Video is a highly effective marketing tool because it stands out from a constant stream of text. It allows you to connect with customers in almost any way while being creative and entertaining. Video is also a means of communication. Corporate video marketing impacts your brand positively, both externally and internally, strengthening relationships with current and prospective customers and with staff, stakeholders, and others involved with your business.
According to Cisco, IP video represented 73% of consumer internet traffic in 2016, which it expects to rise to 82% globally by 2021. In addition to standing out and attracting clients and customers, video marketing helps your business because:
Audiences Are More Likely to Share
According to the Content Marketing Institute, audiences are 10 times more likely to share video content than a social post or blog. YouTube videos can quickly gain popularity. The availability of video-sharing sites and Facebook’s auto-play videos provide even more leverage. Showcasing the use of a product before a consumer has it in their hands has been an effective marketing tool for a while.
It Taps into Emotions
Fostering learning, video also instills more positive emotions while being more memorable when presented as stories. Visual content is processed by the brain faster than text. The more positive the emotions, the more likely a viewer is to buy.
Search Engine Results Are Improved
Websites with embedded video are many times more likely to appear on a first-page Google search. Video isn’t just favored by the search algorithms. It also increases visitor time on a website, which is measured by search engines. Plus, Google now owns YouTube, so the connection between videos and rankings is even stronger.
Results Are Immediate
The results of a video marketing campaign are almost immediate; new clients may appear within days. That’s because video inspires action, breaking down complex points into digestible information, and it makes communicating a message to mobile device users easier. Save your audience from reading long blocks of text or spending time digging into your services.
It Boosts Conversions and Sales
Just one video explaining your product can do the trick. Explainer-videos are highly effective at convincing watchers to buy a product. Significant conversions and sales have been seen in the electronics, gifts, jewelry, home and garden, and personal care industries.
Video Yields Great ROI
The return on investment with corporate video marketing, for example, is quite strong. Producing a video may not always seem like the cheapest option, but the payoff can be worth it. Research has shown the top priority should be explaining the product or service; by paying close attention to what the needs are of the consumer.
The power of video to boost sales and conversions and get your audience to share cannot be ignored. An explainer video helps your business stay on top of the competition. If ready to jump into the world of video marketing, work with an expert who can serve all business needs. For more information call us at 972-861-2815.